6kw solid state microwave generators
Industrial Microwave Generator-Microwave Industrial Application

6kw solid state microwave generators

6KW solid state microwave genrators
6kw solid state microwave generators,in this design,are divided two parts,the microwave power supply and the waveguide unit ,which makes the structure more suitable for the MPCVD machine and other ISM appliction.
Its features is as below :
•Generates max  6000w 2450MHZ CW microwave power or pulse microwave power
•Provides continuously variable output power from 10w-6000w.
•Phase-locked-loop(PLL) technology adapted on the signal source, ensuring a high frequency stability;
•Higher stability of microwave power output
•Designed with built-in circulator and load ,adapted to all kinds of loads with different VSWR
•Comprehensive detecting and protection circuit guarantees a reliable operation process
•Solid state power supply  has much longer lifespan than other microwave generators
•Mainly applied to microwave chemistry、 microwave heating, plasma generation and scientific research etc.
Its parameters:

MW leakage2mW/cm2
Power stability1%
Output Power Range60006200W
Output Power Adjustment Range106000W
Overall efficiency5860%

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